For this project, we collected thousands of memorial items from community members in Rochester and built a public memorial to bring attention to the issue of violent crime. Where street-side memorials at the site of a homicide are typically created by the closest friends and family members of the victims, we wanted to ask, "What would it look like if the entire community came forward to leave something in support of those families?" Could the mountain grow so high that you could see it from every home in Rochester? The installation was created at the George Eastman International Museum of Photography and Film in conjunction with Will Yurman's exhibition, "Not Forgotten: Portraits of Life and Death in Rochester". We held candlelit vigils on site with the family members, government officials, students, religious leaders, and teachers. The project was in collaboration with Deborah Brown, the Director of "Family and Friends of Murdered Children and Victims of Violence" and Audrey Smith, the Founder of the organization. The project was intended to be both a siren for crisis and a beacon of hope.